Do you ever have mornings where you don’t feel like eating a huge meal but would like the benefits of a filling meal? Don’t get me wrong I love scrambled eggs and bacon, but when I’m not in the mood for that this energy packed pudding does the trick, and who doesn’t like a little chocolate for breakfast?
1 cup Brewed Bolder Breakfast Tea
4 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
1 Tbsp. Cacao Nibs
1 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
6 Tbsp. Almond Milk (or milk of choice)
2 tsp. Maple Syrup (or more to taste)
1) Brew Bolder Breakfast Tea
*Pro Tip: Brew the Bolder Breakfast tea ahead of time and store in the refrigerator. That way the tea will be cool when you add it to the chia seeds, preventing the seeds from being heated.
a. Scoop 1 tsp of Bolder Breakfast into a paper filter or infuser
b. Add 212° boiling water
c. Steep for 3-5 minutes
d. Remove tea leaves and store in the refrigerator until cool
2) In a 16 oz. mason jar add chia seeds, cacao nibs, and cocoa powder (the jar works really well for mixing and storage)
3) Then pour 1 cup (8 oz.) of the cooled Bolder Breakfast tea over top
4) Add almond milk and maple syrup
5) Stir until the mixture is smooth and there are no clumps of chia seeds
6) Place mixture in the refrigerator to set for about 2 hours
7) After 2 hrs. the chia seeds will have absorbed the liquid and created a pudding
*for best results store overnight in the refrigerator for a thick creamy pudding
8) Spoon out desired amount and ta-da a delicious energy packed breakfast!